AWS Egypt

AWS S3 & Serveless + Practical Project

Khalid ElGazzar | | OneKC.Pro

Sat May, 11th 2024.

Sponsored by:, & Khalid ElGazzar.

AWS S3 and Serverless + Practical Project

By Khalid ElGazzar

SWAC Blog | | OneKC.Pro

Sat May, 11th 2024.

Sponsored by:, & Khalid ElGazzar.

Surat Al Baqara
Khalid ElGazzar

Setting Expectations

  • 10K ft (Bird's eye) view of AWS.

Photo by Thierry Caccavale:


  • Introduction
  • Practical implementation of the Serverless Frontend.
  • Practical implementation of the Serverless Backend.
Virtualization types

Introduction - AWS Egypt meetup group

  • An Official AWS Egypt group
    • Was about to be closed in March 2023.
  • Future Events
Khalid ElGazzar

Introduction - About Me

  • Khalid ElGazzar, M.Sc., MBA
    • SW Development Manager | CTO | multi cloud Architect.
    • B. Sc. Computer Science,
    • M. Sc. Computer Science.
    • eMBA.
    • AWS Community Builder.
    • AWS User Group Leader.
    • More than 25 years of experience in the SW field.
    • Opensource and GNU+Linux enthusiast.
Virtualization types

Introduction - Sponsors

Virtualization types

Introduction - Sponsors

Virtualization types

Introduction - Sponsors

Best Way to get certified

  1. Gain theoretical knowledge
  2. The 3 A's
    1. Apply, Apply and Apply!

Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.

Today's Scope | 2nd meetup - Sat May, 11th 2024

  • Practical Project
  • Build Frontend and backend of a company's website using AWS Serverless Technology.
    • Two parts
      • Serverless Frontend
      • Serverless Backend
FE Highlevel

Highlevel overview of the frontend

  • We'll build the FE using the following 4 services:
    • S3
    • CloudFront
    • Route53
    • Certificate Manager
FE Detailed

Detailed overview of the frontend

  • Showing CloudFront interaction with AWS Certificate Manager
  • Note:
    • The domain can be purchased either from AWS Route 53 or from an external domain registrar (NameCheap, GoDaddy, Hostinger, etc)

Serverless Backend Architecture Diagram

  • The serverless backend will have 4 services:
    • API Gateway: Receive the req from FE
    • Lamdba function: receive the request from API GW and send it to DB
    • Dynamo DB: Serverless DB to store the information
    • IAM: Grant needed permissions.

Now lets start the practical session ..

<span class="small-text">PPT is using opensource PAAC technology.</span>